How to Make your Dog Happy

Jodie Humphries - Dog Lover profile picture

Jodie Humphries - Dog Lover

Dog Lover

Jodie is an obsessed dog mum who loves to learn how to best care for her pup Wally and she loves to share the things she learns with others. She's always been a pet owner but loves dogs the most and loves being surrounded by like-minded dog lovers.

How to Make your Dog Happy

Our dogs give us so much happiness we as owners often wonder what makes a happy dog and repay the happiness they give. We may think that our dogs are just happy little fluff balls all the time, but they are sad sometimes, and it’s up to us to cheer our pups up.

How to tell when your pup isn’t happy?

When it comes to dogs, most people conjure images of a wagging tail and happy smiley faces, but dogs aren’t happy all the time. The best way to know when your dog isn’t happy is to know your dog. It’s all about reading their body language.

If you know your dog well, you’ll notice any slight change in their body language that will indicate they’re not happy.

3 top tips to cheer up your dog

Finding things to make my dog happy generally revolves around three simple things:

1. Treats

As soon as that treat packet opens, my pup instantly gets excited, especially if it’s his favourite treats. Treats aren’t my primary option for cheering my dog up because I don’t want him to put on weight.

2. Toys

Giving him his favourite toy will usually instantly lift my pup's spirits. He especially loves a squeaky toy because he loves to squeak his toys.

3. Time Together

Whether it’s playing tug, playing fetch, or just going for a walk, spending time together will always lift my pup’s spirits. Even just snuggling on the couch helps cheer him up.

But don’t Mistake Happiness for Anxiety

You need to be careful when it comes to your pup, as you can confuse happiness and anxiety. Sometimes my dog will have a wagging tail and a smiling face, but I still know he’s not happy because he’s tense or he’s drooling more than he normally does. This is why knowing your dog’s body language well will always help you know when they’re happy and when you need to cheer them up.

Doing whatever we can to repay our dogs for the happiness they give us will also make us happy.

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